Whether you are looking to quantify neurons with AI or get started with remote teaching via our cloud platform, the Aiforia scientists are ready to back you up!
Darshan Kumar, PhD
Darshan has a background in biomedical sciences from Leiden University with a doctorate in cell and molecular biology from Helsinki University. He has versatile experience from virology and immunology to food sciences, structural biology, and microscopy. At Aiforia, Darshan is responsible for AI model creation, customer on-boarding, user problem solving and ultimately ensuring customer success in creating and deploying AI models for image analysis tasks and challenges. Scientific creativity interests Darshan and working with end users for a successful project completion drives him.
Lindsey Smith, PhD
Lindsey is an experienced neuroscience researcher with a strong background in electrophysiology, surgery, stereotactic viral injections, animal husbandry, and wet bench techniques. During graduate and post-graduate training her research was dedicated to a wide variety of neuropathologies and diseases such as elucidating mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. In her current role at Aiforia, Lindsey assists researchers world-wide to create custom algorithms that profoundly expedite data analysis while simultaneously reducing human bias in data processing.