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Employee Spotlight: Interview with Dr. Lindsey Smith

We interviewed Aiforia’s Field Application Scientist Lindsey Smith to hear about her experiences at Aiforia.
Written by Aiforia


Describe your role at Aiforia.

My current role at Aiforia is multifaceted and highly exciting. I primarily train our customers on how to use our platform to build their own custom AI models, which have a wide range of complexity and applications. My role implements various skills including customer support, data analysis, building and troubleshooting AI models with the platform, procuring webinars and educational materials, as well presenting Aiforia Cloud at national conferences.

What is your favorite part about your job?

This is actually quite hard to answer, because the dynamic nature of my job keeps me both excited and intrigued every day. With that said, interacting with our customers is certainly one of the most rewarding parts of my job. It’s absolutely fascinating to work with the world's leading scientists in their fields and I couldn’t be more grateful that the knowledge exchange is bidirectional in our sessions.

What do you do for fun?

No one will be surprised to hear me say, spending time with my dogs, usually hiking.

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