Insights and resources for AI in pathology

Meet our Pathologists: Interview with Dr. Hanna-Kaisa Sihvo

Written by Aiforia | Dec 16, 2022 1:01:45 PM

What do you do for Aiforia?

I’m mainly involved in the concept planning of new products for the preclinical sector.  In practice, I serve as a subject matter expert in the product development process and work with our UX designers and software developers. I’m also part of Aiforia’s science team, which works to develop AI applications for our customers.

What is your expertise?

I’m a veterinary pathologist by training. Having worked at Aiforia for more than four years, I have also gained some understanding of AI. I attended the University of Helsinki for veterinary school, my Ph.D. in muscle degeneration, and a veterinary pathology residency. Besides Aiforia, I also work as a diagnostic and comparative veterinary pathologist to maintain my diagnostic pathology skills. 

What is your favorite part about working at Aiforia?

I enjoy multidisciplinary teams and good team spirit the most.  Here at Aiforia, we have a mixture of different backgrounds and experiences, and I learn something new every day.

Why did you decide to work at Aiforia?

We live in such a digitized world. I wanted to learn about AI and how it could be applied in my field. It’s something that pathology is moving towards more and more. I wanted to understand the workings of artificial intelligence better and be a part of this groundbreaking development process.

What is your advice to a pathology practice considering going digital?

Be aware of what is happening – what does it mean to become a digital laboratory? Listen to other people’s experiences, learn from them, and adapt the best practices. I know it’s only natural, but don’t be afraid of change. You can start with a few applications, see their value, and expand from there.

What are your favorite types of projects to work on?

I enjoy product development. It’s fascinating to see the process — where designs turn into tangible products that any pathologist can use. I also enjoy service projects, where we deliver custom AI models to our customers. Designing a cost-effective AI model that can be used to answer an investigator’s research question is a project that requires both pathology and technology knowledge, and it’s always rewarding to see results!